Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Key to Healthy Weight Loss

The Key to Healthy Weight LossYou want to lose weight, but you don't want to use one of those dangerous, crash diets? Great! Those diets not only don't work most of the time, but they actually cause your body to put on more weight! The key to healthy weight loss is how you eat as much as what you eat.

Exercise can be helpful for toning muscles, but it's actually not the key ingredient to a weight loss program. You can exercise for hours a day, and actually do more harm than good to your body.

Running and jogging, kickboxing, aerobics really any repetitive motion causes strain on the muscles, tendons and bone structure and puts your body into a mode where it wants to grab any calories it can find in order to nourish itself. You'll actually trigger a fat storing mode in your body with excessive exercise and starvation diets.

Calorie Shifting

The method that really works is not depriving your body of needed calories, but rather eating these calories at different times in the day. The patterns most of us use for eating and the types of foods we eat contribute to weight gain. In order to lose weight, we just need to reprogram our eating patterns and styles.

Triggering the Hormones

When you suddenly stop eating everything but grapefruit, or quickly cut all carbohydrates from your diet, or begin any of the other harmful eating patterns those diets instruct you to follow, you are messing with your endocrine system, the system in the body that triggers hormones. These hormones control your body functions, including your metabolism.

If you've ever tried to diet, you know that your metabolism controls how quickly or slowly your body burns fat. You want to "trick" your body into producing the hormones that will increase your metabolism and burn calories more quickly. The key to healthy weight loss over the long term is finding an eating pattern that gets the body into this calorie burning pattern.

Positive Patterns for Eating

You want a higher metabolism, right? Of course! We all want our body to burn off more calories, and we especially want our body to take care of that task while we carry out our normal work, without requiring us to kill ourselves off on the treadmill or join a spinning class (ugh!) at the gym.

When we have the right eating patterns, our body creates the important hormones we need in the right amounts to break down our stored carbs and fat, including adrenaline and HGH.

So the best way to increase our metabolism is to create healthy eating patterns that convince our bodies to burn fat. The eating patter that is the key to healthy weight loss is several smaller meals spread out through the day. So the timing of the meals is the first component of the healthy eating patterns.

The second important element is the types of food you eat at each meal. Eating the right kinds of food sends the right message to your endocrine system, and triggers fat-burning higher metabolism without tons of exercise. Together, these triggers become the key to healthy weight loss through reprogramming your body's fat burning system.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Accelerated Fat Burning Program - Idiot Proof Weight Loss

Looking for an Accelerated Fat Burning Program? Use the Fat Loss for Idiots Program now!

Accelerated Fat Burning ProgramWith the many accelerated fat burning programs available today, choosing the right one is hard. That's why it is so important to choose the Fat Loss for Idiots diet. This is the one program that makes fat burning easy. The easy online diet generator takes all of the guesswork of meal planning out of the picture. The result is a trimmer you in only 11 days with no stress of planning meals.

Before you decide on an accelerated fat burning program look at your lifestyle. Do you have time for a lot of weighing portions or counting fat grams and calories? Do you want to spend time keeping a detailed food journal of every bite that you eat? If the answer to these questions is no then take a look at the Fat Loss for Idiots diet.

This program offers an easy to follow 11-day program that is followed by 3 days off. It is easy to follow and is very effective. Many people find that this is the diet plan that they can follow the best. Would anyone have ever thought that an accelerated fat burning program could be made so simple to follow?

Life has enough stress of its own. Who wants a diet that will just make things more complicated than they have to be? The Fat Loss for Idiots program was created to be as easy to follow, as it is effective. In only 11 days you can be well on your way toward having the body of your dreams!

The meal generator is fast and easy to use. You can get started with your customized accelerated fat burning program in no time. Plus, you don’t have to be hungry. For each of the 11 days there are 4 simple meals. Each of these meals are custom designed with you in mind to make the most of your body’s fat burning capability.

Plus if you get hungry it’s ok to eat more on this plan; not less. You need to eat regularly on this fat burning program. It helps make the plan more efficient. This way, not only will you not be hungry on the diet but you will still be able to lose the weight that you want! Right now, you may be thinking it sounds too good to be true. It’s not. The Fat Loss for Idiots program will teach you everything you need to know to begin burning fat and losing weight in less than two short weeks.

Just think. In only 11 days you can lose weight. How many other diet programs can tell you that? The online meal generator takes the guesswork out of planning. You have nothing to lose but excess weight by trying this diet. When you try the Fat Loss for Idiots accelerated fat burning program you will see that nothing else can compare. Why not get started today?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Being Fat Sucks - Stop Whining and Do Something About it

Being Fat SucksIf you’re one of 62% of American adults that are overweight, then I’m sure you already know that being fat sucks. You never hear anyone raving about how great it is to be overweight and out of breath and most people aren’t too excited about buying plus sized clothing and shopping at THAT store (you know the one I’m talking about).

Fortunately, the simple fact that being fat sucks is not enough to hurt you, but unfortunately, the health risks associated with being fat just might. Most of this is common knowledge, but just as a reminder. Some of the health problems associated with being overweight are diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea and cancer, just to name a few. People who are overweight are more likely to have high blood pressure which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke and heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death for men and women in the US.

Knowing the dangers of being fat, why do so many of us still continue to eat the wrong foods? Do most people not think about their future health? They just eat and drink things that are bad for them and then one day, they’re sitting in a doctor’s office and they’re given the bad news. Why don’t more people take a proactive approach to their health? Do a search on the internet, the health issues associated with being overweight aren’t speculation, they’re backed up by years of research. We live in an age where so much information is readily available, yet so many people either choose not to read it, or they just don’t think their health is that important. I hate to think one day I’ll be sitting in the doctor’s office and will be told I have a potentially life threatening condition that I could have prevented.

If you take a few smart, logical and simple steps towards losing weight, you could find that the benefits go far beyond just looking good. Think about all the reasons why being fat sucks and make a list; come up with as many things as you can think of. At the end of the day, write down all the ways your weight affected your daily life. Now look at this list. Are you telling me that changing your eating habits and losing weight so that you can throw that list away isn’t worth the effort? Is growing old and healthy and being around for grandchildren, graduations, weddings and loved ones not worth the effort?

The good news is losing weight doesn’t take a huge effort on the part of the person trying to lose weight. Don’t be discouraged by the diets you read about or tried that wanted you to drop your calories insanely low. Don’t listen to the diets that want you to cut certain foods out of your diet so you feel sluggish and weak all day. And don’t cringe at the diets that ask you to eat the same food over and over until you just can’t eat another bite. Don’t listen to diets that tell you to starve yourself to lose weight because starving yourself to lose weight is counterproductive.

The Idiot Proof Diet is a very simple diet to follow and instead of starving, you eat 4 meals a day. This diet lets your body tell you when you’ve had enough to eat, so there are no set portion limits. Also, all the foods you’ll be eating are foods you can purchase at the grocery store, so there are no pricy pre-packaged meals to purchase.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is Calorie Shifting?

What is calorie shiftingWhat is Calorie Shifting? Well, the simple answer is it’s a dieting method that manipulates the types of calories you eat throughout the day, each day. By eating more frequent meals comprised of the right types of calories, you help your body manipulate the hormones that control fat burning and fat storage. The not so simple answer is still pretty simple to understand. Calorie shifting really isn’t that difficult to understand and that’s why so many people have been able to use calorie shifting to lose weight and lose weight quickly. So if you’re asking the question what is calorie shifting, then you’re well on your way to learning more about a dieting method that is not only easy to follow, but also fun, because you won’t be required to give up all the things that most diets require you go give up.

What’s the real key to weight Loss? Food. Sounds funny doesn’t it, but it’s true. You’re not fat because you’re not working out; you’re fat because of the foods you’re eating. You need to be eating the right foods, with the right types of calories at the right intervals during the day. If you follow these rules, you’ll realize losing weight really isn’t that difficult.

Your metabolism is your body’s fat burning engine and it needs certain foods at certain intervals throughout the day to keep burning calories and if it doesn’t get them, it can’t burn the calories and they’ll be stored as fat by the body.

Just like the wrong foods made you fat, the right foods can make you thin. In order to do this, you’re going to need to eat more than 3 times a day. By eating the right foods in the right intervals during the day, you help your body produce a higher quantity of fat burning hormones and minimize the release of fat storage hormones. In order to properly manipulate these hormones, you’ll need to eat more 4 times a day. By now, you may be saying "Eating more can help me lose weight… What?". Well it’s true and The Idiot Proof Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots can show you exactly how that’s done.

All these years you’ve been taught to believe that food is the enemy, but now this diet will show you that’s not true. Not only is food not the enemy, but it’s the tool that’s going to help you lose weight. You just need to stop eating the wrong foods and start eating the right foods in the right intervals. This diet uses a weight loss method called calorie shifting which uses different types of calories each day to confuse your metabolism and cause fast fat loss.

Friday, January 30, 2009

An Idiot Proof Diet Walkthrough

They say seeing is believing and they're right. I can spend all day telling you how great The Idiot Proof Diet is and how easy it is to use the online diet generator to create your meals and lose weight, but if I could show you how easy it is, that would be so much better.

Well, the good news is I can show you with this Idiot Proof Diet walkthrough. Check it out and see the whole process, from signing up for the diet to printing out your menu and starting the diet. This walkthrough will give you a glimpse into the diet generator and how you'll be choosing foods for your diet. You'll also be able to see how easy it is to access the diet handbook, which is packed full of great dieting information that will help you lose weight and keep it off.

If you want to learn how easy it is to use The Idiot Proof Diet to lose weight, check out this Idiot Proof Diet walkthrough.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Throw Away Your Food Journal and Stop Counting Calories

Throw away your food journalSo you’ve finally decided it’s time to lose weight. You’ve been putting it off for too long and now it’s time to get serious and do something about it. You’ve researched diets and have found one that works for you and your schedule. You’re happy with the foods you eat on this diet and more importantly, you feel great about the diet and your weight loss progress. You’re so happy because you’ve finally found a diet you enjoy and can help you reach your weight loss goals.

What Do You Love Most About Your Current Diet?

I bet I can read your mind, I know exactly what you’re thinking. You’re thinking your favorite part of your current diet is your food journal right? Yep, I knew it, you just love having to write down every single piece of food you eat during the day, no matter how small it is. You love having to keep a running tab of your daily calories to make sure you don’t go over by even a single calorie. So is it safe to assume your second favorite thing about your new diet is having to read labels. Sure, everyone loves a 5 hour trip to the grocery store while you walk down every isle reading every label to find out if it will work for your diet. The long visit to the grocery store is just half of it; you still have to read every label before you eat something so you can write it in your precious little food journal.

Throw Your Food Journal in the Trash

I know it will break your heart, but there’s a diet out there that doesn’t require you to keep a food journal, or count calories. Not only do you not have to do these things, but the diet will actually punish you for doing this (actually, I just made that part up). I know this will be a hard habit to break, but I’m sure you have the willpower. You may already be thinking about what you’ll do with all your spare time now that two of the most annoying aspects of most diets have been removed. If you’ve been dieting for a while, or even if you’re new to dieting, you may already be asking yourself How can I lose weight if I don’t know how many calories I’m eating. That’s simple, this diet isn’t concerned with calories. You’ll be listening to your body and it will tell you when you’ve had enough.

Calorie Counting Alternative

On this diet, you’ll be letting your body tell you when you need to stop eating, so let me tell you a little more about that. First of all, the diet I’m talking about is called The Idiot Proof Diet and it has been designed, developed, tested and fine tuned by a company named Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The reason it’s called The Idiot Proof Diet is because you don’t have to think about ANYTHING. That’s why you don’t need the food journal or calorie counting anymore. This diet will do everything but eat the food for you. When you sign up for The Idiot Proof Diet, you’ll gain instant and unlimited access to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots online diet generator. The online diet generator is what you’ll be using to create your meals.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Online Diet Generator

Once you’re logged into the diet generator, you’ll see 2 lists of foods; one list that contains protein calorie foods and another list that contains carb calorie foods. You’ll be asked to select 7 to 15 foods from each category and I recommend you select the full 15 items. These are the foods you’ll be eating for the next 11 days, so the more foods you choose, the more variety you’ll have in your meals. After you’ve chosen all of your food items, the diet generator will use these foods to create your 4 daily meals for your 11 day diet cycle.

The 11 Day Diet Cycle

You’ll be following this diet for 11 days and during these 11 days, you’ll be eating 4 meals a day. As mentioned in the diet plan you’ll print out from the diet generator, you don’t have to eat all the foods listed for a meal, you can eat one or all of the foods listed. This means you have variety. If the meal has 3 foods listed, but you’re only in the mood for 2 of the foods, then you only need to eat 2 of the foods. You can eat whatever amount of each food you want, you don’t have to worry about eating an equally amount of each food item. Also, you don’t have to eat your 4 meals in the order listed in your diet plan. If you want to eat meal 3 for breakfast, do it. Here’s one of the best parts of The Idiot Proof Diet that you won’t find on most other diets, there are NO portion limits. This diet puts your body in control of portion control. You want to eat and stop just short of feeling full. Take your time and eat slowly, so your body has time to judge when it’s had enough.

Eating Your Way to Weight Loss Success

Yes, that’s correct, eating 4 meals a day will keep your metabolism burning fat and increase the release of fat burning hormones while suppressing fat storing hormones. The 4 meals a day, with no portion limits is a very important part of this diet. Make sure you do not skip a meal, and you should never feel hungry. Remember, you’re not counting calories, but you really do need to listen to your body and make sure you’ve given it the right amount of the fat burning fuel it needs to help you lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days.

Cheat on The Idiot Proof Diet and Win

You don’t hear that too often when it comes to dieting do you? That’s probably one of the reasons some of your previous dieting attempts failed. It’s just inhuman to expect someone to go for a long period of time without eating the foods they’re craving. That’s another key to success with The Idiot Proof Diet, at the end of each 11 day cycle, you get 3 cheat days when you can eat anything you want; pizza, cake, candy, lasagna. There’s just one rule for your cheat days, stop before you feel full. Enjoy the foods you’ve been craving, but remember you don’t want to gain all your hard earned weight loss back.

Lose All the Weight You Want

As I mentioned earlier, when you purchase The Idiot Proof Diet, you’ll only be charged once, but you’ll receive unlimited access to the online diet generator. This means you can use this diet for as many 11 day cycles as you want, to lose as much weight as you want and you’ll never be charged another dime. Another great benefit to having unlimited access to the diet generator is if you get bored of your diet menu halfway through an 11 day cycle, all you have to do is use the diet generator to create a new menu and start on the new menu where you left off on the old menu. If you’d like to see a 3 day sample menu created with the diet generator, follow the link and read the post.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fat Loss 4 Idiots a Scam? NO! It Really Works

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not a scamDo a search for Fat Loss 4 Idiots or The Idiot Proof Diet on Google or Yahoo and you're sure to see at least a few listings that say Fat Loss 4 Idiots a Scam. This may make you curious enough that you decide to clik into the site. Once you're in the website, you realize that not only does this site not think it's a scam, but they've changed their tune completely and they think it's the greatest diet in the world and want to sell it to you. WHAT!! But didn't you just say... If you've been a victim of sales copy whiplash, let me ask you this. Why would you let this site sell you a product if they just told you it was a scam 10 seconds ago?

The diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots, which is known as The Idiot Proof Diet really does work and the ease of following this diet, along with the results you'll see alone are reason enough for you to give Fat Loss 4 Idiots a try.

Here are a few reasons why Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not a scam.

  • You can lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days using The Idiot Proof Diet? True

  • When you sign up for The Idiot Proof Diet, you get unlimited access to the online diet generator? True

  • You use the diet generator to choose foods you enjoy for your meals? True

  • When you sign up for The Idiot Proof Diet, you get the diet handbook which not only has lots of great weight loss tips, but also includes The 10 Weight Loss Rules? True

  • On The Idiot Proof Diet, you'll be eating 4 meals a day? True

  • On The Idiot Proof Diet, there are NO portion limits? True

  • At the end of the 11 day cycle, you get 3 cheat days in which you can eat ANYTHING you want? True

  • You can repeat as many 11 day cycles as you want to lose as much weight as you want? True

Seeing how the answer to all of these is true, how is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a scam?

The answer to that questions is Fat Loss 4 Idiots is NOT a scam.

If you're looking for a diet that lets you lose weight fast, lets you eat frequent meals that keep your metabolism burning fat all day and lets you choose the foods you'll be eating, then The Idiot Proof Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the diet you've been looking for.