![The Calorie Shifting Diet](http://www.bestdietingsecret.com/weight-loss-images/weight-loss-5.jpg)
You’re about to get sneaky and do something that your metabolism is totally not expecting and something that you have never done to it before, you will do the exact OPPOSITE of what your metabolism thinks that you are going to do. To do this you are going to have to stop the pattern of consistency and stop eating the same types of food and calories for longer than a couple of days and this is how you will lose weight. A LOT OF WEIGHT!
Our bodies burn calories throughout the day, every day. The rate at which it burns calories is based on your past eating habits. If you change your eating habits, your metabolism rate will change. In the past, heredity was thought to play a big part in obesity and perhaps it is a factor, but anyone can change their metabolism rate. It is a matter of knowing how to do it. Depriving the body of food, which is what you do with traditional diets, makes the body hold on to the fat and the weight. Overeating may increase the metabolism but you are eating the wrong foods at the wrong time of the day in order to benefit from it. Instead, you gain weight.
Calorie shifting diets are simply a matter of eating the right foods at the right time. You don’t go hungry because you are actually eating several smaller meals a day rather than 3 large meals. You are still eating carbs and fats, but you are learning at which time of the day each are best to result in >weight loss instead of weight gain. You don’t feel deprived because there are Cheating days built into the system. You are not mindlessly following a diet because you are learning more about how the body and the brain work together to bring about weight loss.
The Calorie Shifting Plan is based on 11 day increments in which you are encouraged to eat several small meals a day. You have the opportunity to use a meal generator to help you choose foods and meals although they do not have to be followed to the letter (Unlike those old food wheel diets.) You are given real choices within the guidelines of the plan. Certain foods are best when eaten at certain times of the day. You will learn when to eat which foods. In those 11 days following the plan (and being allowed cheating days) you will lose weight.
Eleven short days is all it takes to find out that it works. If you like the results (and you will) then you do another 11 days. If you are not satisfied, you always have a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. The On-Line Diet Generator will create an 11 Day Menu which is DIFFERENT from what you’ve ever seen, and it will cause your body to release the correct amount of fat burning hormones after each meal and if you simply follow this 11 Day Menu then you’ll lose 9 pounds when the 11 days is over.
Take a look at your calendar. Find today’s date and count 11 days forward. Circle that day. Now look at that! That is not a long time at all and in those 11 days you can lose 6-9 pounds! We are not talking weeks or months but simply 11 days to real results. Don’t procrastinate any more. That is the number one reason most people don’t lose weight. With the Calorie shifter diet (otherwise known as the Idiot Proof Diet ) there is no need to wait until after the holidays or after next month. There is no reason to wait at all because this is one diet on which you will not feel deprived!
The calorie shifting diets are made to distribute calories throughout the course of the day. You are offered choices, cheating days and still lose weight. This works because when you distribute the calories, your body continually works to burn those calories. Not only that but your brain releases hormones based on when and how much you eat. With the calorie shifter diet, the calorie burning hormones are put into action while the fat storing hormones are not activated because you are not starving yourself.
Low carb and low fat diets are UNHEALTHY and should not be attempted. Our bodies need the nutrients and minerals from all healthy foods. Bread is not your enemy and neither is a lean cut of meat. Depriving your body of carbs and/or fat actually harms the body. Our brains cannot function right without carbs. Our bodies need a certain amount of fat to stay healthy. In moderation, no food is bad. Yes, you want to try to avoid eating too many refined sugars, but over-all, moderation is the key. Along with calories, every food has vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that our bodies AND our brains need. In some of the low carb diets, you cannot even eat a whole apple! What? There are many good things in an apple. Why would you think that you should deprive yourself of that? There is no reason. It’s hype.
The calorie shifting diet maintains a healthy balance of foods in your system each and every day. You are given cheater days because people are only human and if they are limited to extremely strict diets, or really any diet, they cheat. When that happens, if it is not taken into account as part of the diet, the diet is usually stopped. With the calorie shifter diet, you are given opportunities to cheat and STILL LOSE WEIGHT. It’s the most sensible diet plan available.
Learn More about the Calorie Shifting Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots
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